Everyone can help with a donation
help many children. 

What help is needed?



The donations arrive directly and and finance sustainable projects.


Your visit to Katutura 

We arrange contact with the soup kitchen.



Contact us for more information.

Anyone can be a volunteer.
You too!

Find out when, how and in which area you want to help.

We help voluntarily

The soup kitchen, in the heart of Katutura, has been around for more than a decade. You too can help.

Support with cooking: Currently, cooking can only be done on Sunday for up to 200 children, aged 3 to 14.

Reinforcement in the work with children, on the following topics: Violence, drugs, personal hygiene, healthy eating, alcohol abuse and HIV/AIDS.

We consider singing, dancing and painting to be the most normal things children do. In Katutura, many children have little access to organized recreational activities that develop social skills. We want to help children develop: Teamwork skills, Conflict skills, Tolerance, Self-confidence, Criticism skills, Empathy, Motivation, Assertiveness, Self-discipline, and Leadership skills. Helping them to help themselves.

Growing vegetables and fruits is not only an important aspect of providing children with a healthy diet, but also helps to enrich the range of options for cooking. Ideally, children can be involved in meeting the challenges of having their own garden and, if necessary, benefit from it later on.

Donations needed

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For a hot meal

For the time being, catering can only be provided on Sunday. Donations are needed to extend the offer to other days.

Donation status
3.900 Euro


Donation account
Namibia - Hot meal
IBAN: DE 70 8105 2000
0901 0878 90

Donation target 
8.000 Euro

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For a safe playground

A playground should be safe, fulfil its function. It is not only important that children are encouraged in their motor development, fun and play helps learning.

Project was implemented and completed at the end of 2023 Costs: 7.955 Euro    

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For a vegetable garden

For the catering, a garden is to be planted for the most necessary food and the knowledge of sustainable cultivation is to be imparted.

Donation status
2.975 Euro


Donation account
Namibia - Garden
IBAN: DE 70 8105 2000 0901 0878 90

Funds required until the end of 2024
3.800 Euro 

Kids soupkitchen Katutura
Another world is possible!


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Special thanks to all supporters and friends!

An insight into the whereabouts of donations in the form of facts.
What has been made possible so far:

First contact with the soup kitchen.

Three youth meetings took place in Namibia, during which the donations were used to buy food for the local soup kitchen. In addition, the soup kitchen team visited Germany three times to expand the network of the soup kitchen in Germany and to establish contacts.

Two specialist programmes were carried out with German social workers in Namibia.
The education component created a solid network of partners on both sides of the equator, which brought further infrastructural changes. From 2016 onwards, the donation commitment was expanded to ensure the supply of 200 children with food, equipment and materials.

A cooperation with Elke Reinauer from the Namibian NGO Creabuntu was established, which actively facilitates educational and artistic activities at the location together with the soup kitchen.

We would like to thank Samuel Kapepo, who meticulously ensured the organisation on site from 2008 to 2019.

Due to the Conona pandemic, cooking had come to a standstill. In order not to stop the distribution of food completely, small food parcels were distributed directly to the families whose children otherwise also accept the offer of the soup kitchen.

Years ago, it was considered to buy a plot of land in Katutura for the soup kitchen so that it would not have to rely on the goodwill of the community centre. Many efforts led to nothing. The focus therefore remains on channelling funds and commitment into achievable goals. Since the end of the pandemic, the supply of food, equipment and material has been secured.

We would like to thank Samuel Kapepo, who meticulously ensured the organisation on site from 2008 to 2019.

So that the children can eat their food in the shade and do not have to sit in the dust, a sun roof was built on the soup kitchen and the base was fixed.


An insight into the whereabouts in the form of pictures. 
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The Anti-Violence Centre Harz (AGZ) is an association active in civil society, registered as an independent youth welfare organisation. The AGZ works from the centre of society.

The focus of the work is on:
• Conflict prevention and conflict management
• Promotion of the understanding of democracy
• Global learning. *A new pillar of work, within the AGZ

Within the framework of global learning, the AGZ cooperates with civil society organisations in Namibia and pursues the following goals with its international engagement:

• Imparting knowledge on postcolonial issues, such as global justice (distribution of wealth around the world).

• Experiencing other life worlds, for young adults from the district of Harz, in the sense of the leitmotif "Think globally - act locally!"


The soup kitchen works in Katutura, a district of the Namibian capital Windhoek, where precarious living conditions prevail to a large extent. Poverty is present. A team of about 15 - 18 volunteers cook regularly for about 200 children from the neighbourhood out of an overseas container at a community centre.

For some years now, the Namibian NGO Creabuntu and the German NGO KENIAL have been cooperating with the soup kitchen and expanding the services for the children. The members of Creabuntu facilitate dance and art workshops and offer low-threshold socio-educational services.

• Experiencing other life worlds, for young adults from the district of Harz, in the sense of the leitmotif "Think globally - act locally!"


Once upon a time ... various people from Germany experienced the soup kitchen through various contacts and developed the desire to support its work financially, including members of the AGZ.

The strength of the association is the close friendly and personal contact to volunteers of the soup kitchen and to people and organisations in Namibia who support the soup kitchen locally.

We offer donors from Germany the opportunity to bundle their donations and regularly forward them to the soup kitchen in order to achieve more impact.

Thereby we can guarantee that:
• 100% of the donations reach the soup kitchen and the greatest possible transparency is created,

• no other structures are financed, and

• ideas are developed with the volunteers of the soup kitchen and the Creabuntu association to improve the conditions for the children.

The local, personal connection to the people on the ground is the strength of the AGZ and creates trust on both sides of the different living environments.


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Volunteer organization

Sebastian Umbach
Social worker
Member of the German-Namibian Society
Member of the board of Creabuntu
Member of the board of AGZ Harz e. V.
Member of the board of Landesverband der Soziokultur e. V.: LASSA e. V.

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Coordinator on site

Uushona Nghiumbwavali
Member of the soup kitchen team
Car mechanic
Lufthansa employee

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Face of the association

Evelyn Zinke
Chairwoman of the AGZ Harz e. V.
Consultant for confrontational pedagogy
Anti-aggression trainer



  • Sebastian
  • +49 172 5621114
  • Harz County, Germany


  • Uushona
  • +264 81 7763833
  • Windhoek/Katutura, Namibia

AGZ Anti Violence Center Harz e. V.
Ernst-Grube-Strasse 17
38875 City of Oberharz am Brocken
OT Elbingerode

+49 172 5621114

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